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Comparative Literate Programming

17 August 2013

core.async and systems like it have an unmatched level of power when it comes to programming user interfaces. I’ve spent about a week using core.async to build the long promised autocompleter in about two hundred lines of ClojureScript.

This post is a doozy so I’ve decided to present it in the format of comparative literate code. I’ll be documenting every part of the autocompleter and showing how analagous cases are handled in the jQuery UI autocompleter. Don’t read this post as trash talking the jQuery UI autocompleter, rather a frame of reference to understand more easily what CSP might offer UI programmers over more traditional patterns as well as reactive ones. We will also apply this method of comparison and critique to Twitter’s more featureful and more complicated typeahead.js. If you haven’t read the original post on CSP or the second post on the selection menu component, please do so before proceeding.

First, the autocompleter in action. Make sure to try all the following cases:

The autocompleter should work fine on Internet Explorer 8 or greater and we’ll see how cleanly we can handle browser quirks.

The Program

In contrast to many toy reactive autocompleters you’ll find around the web what follows is an autocompleter much closer to the type of component you would actually consider integrating. This is also another reason to compare with the jQuery UI autocompleter; it actually handles a lot of edge cases the various FRP toys do not. Of course this is not a problem with FRP, just the examples you find online. In fact, I would love to see an alternative version of this autocompleter using an FRP library or language that demonstrates not only the level of functionality but the same deep separation of concerns.

Namespace definition

First we declare our namespace. We import the core.async functions and macros. We also import the components from the previous blog post; no need to write that code again. We also import some utility DOM helpers (which are just wrappers around Google Closure’s battle tested cross browser DOM library) and some reactive conveniences. We import goog.userAgent and some other goog related namespaces to help us deal with Internet Explorer quirks.

(ns blog.autocomplete.core
    [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]
    [goog.userAgent :as ua]
    [ :as events]
    [clojure.string :as string]
    [cljs.core.async :refer [>! <! alts! chan sliding-buffer put!]]
    [blog.responsive.core :as resp]
    [blog.utils.dom :as dom]
    [blog.utils.helpers :as h]
    [blog.utils.reactive :as r]))


We setup the url that will serve the data that will populate our menu:

(def base-url


The autocompleter requires some new interface representations - we need hideable components, we need to be able to set text fields, and we need to update the contents of list components.

(defprotocol IHideable
  (-hide! [view])
  (-show! [view]))

(defprotocol ITextField
  (-set-text! [field txt])
  (-text [field]))

(defprotocol IUIList
  (-set-items! [list items]))

In this implementation we’re going to do something a bit novel as far as common JavaScript practice. In the jQuery UI, the menu used by the autocompleter is constructed once and stored in a field of the autocompleter like so: = $( "<ul>" )
	.addClass( "ui-autocomplete ui-front" )
	.appendTo( this._appendTo() )
		// disable ARIA support, the live region takes care of that
		role: null
	.menu( "instance" );

You can see the source in context here.

In our implementation we will not hold onto a selectable menu instance, instead we will create a menu selection process on the fly as needed.

Not only will we construct the menu selection subprocess on demand, we can pause the autocompleter until the subprocess completes. This eliminates coordination between components and superfluous state tracking. It also means we can share streams of events avoiding redundancy and duplication of logic. Lines 202 to 307 in the jQuery autocompleter is all component coordination and event handling redundancy that we would like to avoid.

Our menu subprocess looks like this:

(defn menu-proc [select cancel menu data]
  (let [ctrl (chan)
        sel  (->> (resp/selector
                    (resp/highlighter select menu ctrl)
                    menu data)
               (r/filter vector?)
               (r/map second))]
    (go (let [[v sc] (alts! [cancel sel])]
          (do (>! ctrl :exit)
            (if (or (= sc cancel)
                    (= v ::resp/none))

menu-proc takes some channels and some UI components. The select channel provides the events that affect the menu component. The cancel channel allows us to abort the selection process should the user start typing again, tab out or click elsewhere in the window. It’s important to notice the lack of anything specific to HTML representation at this point (more on this later). We also construct a channel ctrl so that we can tell the menu subprocess to quit and thus get garbage collected.

We then construct the highlighter/selection process much as we did in the previous post and store the resulting channel in a local binding sel. If you haven’t seen much Clojure before ->> is just a threading macro so we don’t have to write our code “inside out” - sugar.

As soon as we receive something from cancel or sel we quit the subprocess and either return ::cancel or the user selection respectively.

Once more, in this model we only create the menu selection process when we need it. In many traditional MVC designs you’ll see complex graphs of objects that get allocated at initialization only to sit around in memory spending most of their time doing nothing.

In this design we’re alluding to a system that only constructs the processes when they are needed and which are destroyed when they have completed their work. Sounds like a good idea right?

Core autocompleter

This is our main autocompleter process. The 39 lines of code below represent the entirety of the process utterly devoid of clutter about DOM events or manipulation. This is in stark contrast to jQuery UI or typeahead.js where the heart of the component is smeared across hundreds and hundreds of line of code.

autocompleter* takes in a variety of values in a ClojureScript hash-map which we destructure. focus is a channel of input field focus events. query is the stream of text changes made to the input field with values “highlighted” at throttled intervals. select is the channel of events needed by the menu, but we also use this to know when to start the menu selection subprocess. cancel is channel of events that should cancel the selection process and hide the selection menu. menu is the abstract menu UI component.

We split query into the highlighted events and the raw events. We’ll forward raw to the selection process when we create it.

(defn autocompleter* [{:keys [focus query select cancel menu] :as opts}]
  (let [out (chan)
        [query raw] (r/split r/throttle-msg? query)]

We enter our go loop. We track two pieces of state, items which is the last JavaScript array of completions we fetched (it could be local or remote it doesn’t matter), and focused - whether the input field is in focus.

We non-deterministically select over all these channels:

    (go (loop [items nil focused false]
          (let [[v sc] (alts! [raw cancel focus query select])]

In the first case we have a focus event, we simply track that bit of state.

              (= sc focus)
              (recur items true)

In the second case we have a cancellation event, we simply hide the menu component and kill any pending throttled query.

              (= sc cancel)
              (do (-hide! menu)
                (>! (:query-ctrl opts) (h/now))
                (recur items (not= v :blur)))

In the third case we need to get some completions. We call completions with the query supplied by the user. We handle possible cancellation. If we actually get a result and no cancellation event we show the menu component and update its contents.

              (and focused (= sc query))
              (let [[v c] (alts! [cancel ((:completions opts) (second v))])]
                (if (or (= c cancel) (zero? (count v)))
                  (do (-hide! menu)
                    (recur nil (not= v :blur)))
                    (-show! menu)
                    (-set-items! menu v)
                    (recur v focused))))

The fourth case is the most interesting. We hand off control to the menu process. We pass along the select channel making sure to put the event we read back at the front with r/concat. We also pass along the cancel channel, note we use r/fan-in to mix in raw, which is a channel of the changes to the input field because we want to cancel menu selection if the user starts typing again.

autocompleter* will be paused until the menu selection subprocess completes. Because we can hand off control, coordination logic between autocompleter* and menu-proc becomes unnecessary.

It’s worth taking a breath to consider how flexible this is. Because channels do not require explicit subscription we can simply pass them along as values, pause our execution allowing some other process to read from the channel until they are done at which point we can pick up where we left off. This is very different from the approach taken by Reactive Extensions and similar systems like Dart’s Stream.

              (and items (= sc select))
              (let [_ (reset! (:selection-state opts) true)
                    _ (>! (:query-ctrl opts) (h/now))
                    choice (<! ((:menu-proc opts) (r/concat [v] select)
                                 (r/fan-in [raw cancel]) menu items))]
                (reset! (:selection-state opts) false)
                (-hide! menu)
                (if (= choice ::cancel)
                  (recur nil (not= v :blur))
                  (do (-set-text! (:input opts) choice)
                    (>! out choice)
                    (recur nil focused))))

There’s a little bit of complication above around :selection-state, this is to support tab for selection, we’ll explain this later. We need to cancel any pending throttle event via :query-ctrl as otherwise the menu might appear after a selection is made if the user is a particularly fast typist.

In the last case, we just loop around. Since we don’t actually handle raw this means the events on the raw channel will just be dropped; this is what we want, otherwise raw will have events that need reading when we call the menu subprocess (causing it to exit immediately).

Finally, autocompleter* just returns its output channel

              (recur items focused)))))

Code Comprehension

We’ve seen hardly anything so far related to HTML - we’ve only been examining an abstract autocompleter process. This may seem like over engineering, but reading through the source of the jQuery autocompleter or through typeahead.js it becomes apparent that the difficulty in understanding their implementations is due precisely to the lack of separation of concerns. We have to digest so many different concerns at once! How exhausting.

Now that we defined a fairly sensible autocompleter for any interface representation, let’s actually implement a concrete representation.

HTML based implementation

First we need a way to detect bad browsers:

(defn less-than-ie9? []
  (and ua/IE (not (ua/isVersion 9))))

We write a concrete implementation of ITextField for HTML text inputs.

(extend-type js/HTMLInputElement
  (-set-text! [field text]
    (set! (.-value field) text))
  (-text [field]
    (.-value field)))

We want HTML ul tags to act as hideable list components. So we add concrete implementations of IHideable and IUIList.

(extend-type js/HTMLUListElement
  (-hide! [list]
    (dom/add-class! list "hidden"))
  (-show! [list]
    (dom/remove-class! list "hidden"))

  (-set-items! [list items]
    (->> (for [item items] (str "<li>" item "</li>"))
      (apply str)
      (dom/set-html! list))))

That concludes all the interface presentation code - short and sweet. Event handling is only a little bit more involved.

HTML Event Wrangling

We need a way to detect mouse down and up events on items in the menu, this is because we cannot prevent input field blur events if we don’t prevent default on mouse down.

menu-item-event accomplishes this for us. Notice that for bad browsers we need to refocus the input field, because we can’t even prevent blur events at mouse down.

(A puzzle for the concurrency minded: why do I need a sliding buffer backed channel?)

(defn menu-item-event [menu input type]
  (->> (r/listen menu type
         (fn [e]
           (when (dom/in? e menu)
             (.preventDefault e))
           (when (and (= type :mousedown)
             (.focus input)))
         (chan (sliding-buffer 1)))
      (fn [e]
        (let [li (dom/parent (.-target e) "li")]
          (h/index-of (dom/by-tag-name menu "li") li))))))

For the HTML based menu, we fan in three different channels of events. menu-item-event will be used to help construct one of them.

First we need the channel of key events that manipulate the menu. If the user is in the middle of menu selection we need to override the behavior of the tab key. We are able to detect this via allow-tab? which is an atom, a tiny bit of necessary mutable state. This is the :selection-state option in autocompleter* that we banged on earlier.

(defn html-menu-events [input menu allow-tab?]
    [;; keyboard menu controls, tab special handling
     (->> (r/listen input :keydown
            (fn [e]
              (when (and @allow-tab?
                         (= (.-keyCode e) resp/TAB))
                (.preventDefault e))))
       (r/map resp/key-event->keycode)
         (fn [kc]
           (and (resp/KEYS kc)
                (or (not= kc resp/TAB)
       (r/map resp/key->keyword))

We need to detect user hover over items in the menu to track potential selections.

     ;; hover events, index of hovered child
     (r/hover-child menu "li")

In order to trigger selection we need both a mouse down event and a mouse up event - we use r/cyclic-barrier in conjunction with menu-item-event to make sure that we have both before we proceed. We only want to handle cases where the item the user mouse downed on matches the one that the user mouse upped on.

     ;; need to handle menu clicks
     (->> (r/cyclic-barrier
            [(menu-item-event menu input :mousedown)
             (menu-item-event menu input :mouseup)])
       (r/filter (fn [[d u]] (= d u)))
       (r/always :select))]))

Then we need to listen to key events from the input field. We only care when the text of the input field actually changes. We filter out the various cases we don’t care about. We use r/split to generate two channels, a channel of the things we might query and another channel of blank input events to cancel the menu selection process.

(defn relevant-keys [kc]
  (or (= kc 8)
      (and (> kc 46)
           (not (#{91 92 93} kc)))))
(defn html-input-events [input]
  (->> (r/listen input :keydown)
    (r/remove (fn [e] (.-platformModifierKey e)))
    (r/map resp/key-event->keycode)
    (r/filter relevant-keys)
    (r/map #(-text input))
    (r/split #(not (string/blank? %)))))

Now we need to handle bad browsers that complicate blur detection:

(defn ie-blur [input menu selection-state]
  (let [out (chan)]
    (events/listen input
      (fn [e]
        (when (and (= (.-keyCode e) resp/TAB) (not @selection-state))
          (put! out (h/now)))))
    (events/listen js/document.body
      (fn [e]
        (when-not (some #(dom/in? e %) [menu input])
          (put! out (h/now)))))

Quarantining Quirks

Because neither of the JavaScript autocompleters we’ve considered have disciplined separation of concerns, browser quirk logic is fully interleaved into the process logic - see here and here. In our implementation process coordination is untainted by browser specific insanity; browser quirks need only appear in the place where it matters, event handling and DOM manipulation! This aids code comprehension as well as code maintenance. This is real readability, not the purely surface appearance notion of readability that’s usually bandied about these days.

We can now write the HTML autocompleter construction function.

(defn html-autocompleter [input menu completions throttle]
  (let [selection-state (atom false)
        query-ctrl (chan)
        [filtered removed] (html-input-events input)]
    (when (less-than-ie9?)
      (events/listen menu
        (fn [e] false)))
    (-set-text! input "")
      {:focus (r/always :focus (r/listen input :focus))
       :query (r/throttle* (r/distinct filtered) throttle (chan) query-ctrl)
       :query-ctrl query-ctrl
       :select (html-menu-events input menu selection-state)
       :cancel (r/fan-in
                  (r/always :blur
                    (if-not (less-than-ie9?)
                      (r/listen input :blur)
                      (ie-blur input menu selection-state)))])
       :input input
       :menu menu
       :menu-proc menu-proc
       :completions completions
       :selection-state selection-state})))

Running it

(defn wikipedia-search [query]
  (go (nth (<! (r/jsonp (str base-url query))) 1)))

(let [ac (html-autocompleter
           (dom/by-id "autocomplete")
           (dom/by-id "autocomplete-menu")
           wikipedia-search 750)]
  (go (while true (<! ac))))


We’ve examined a small and manageable amount of code. The core is not polluted by concrete implementation concerns and thus improving readability. DOM and browser specific quirks are quarantined into the parts of the code where they make sense. There are no monolithic objects, no contorted class hierarchies, no elaborate mixins, just some functions, some data, and some processes.

Even if you don’t intend to use ClojureScript, hopefully you’ve noticed some patterns that you can leverage to make your own code more robust, easier to read, easier to extend, and easier to maintain.

Who knew UI programming could be so simple?

You can see all code for this post here.