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Asynchronous Error Handling

31 August 2013

This blog post came to be after some great discussions with James Long about the best way to handle errors if CSP is your concurrency model. He showed some neat JavaScript sketches for converting channel errors into exceptions that I tweaked for core.async

In order for JavaScript Promise implementations to be useful they must provide some mechanism for handling and propagating errors. But the reason Promise implementations must bear this burden is because JavaScript doesn’t have yield! By bearing this burden they actually complicate finding error sources as they pollute the stack trace.

This will all be changing soon with the arrival of ES6 Generators.

To see what ES6 Generators can provide we can compare a typical snippet of Promises based async JavaScript by Domenic Denicola to a version in core.async. Domenic’s snippet appeared in his interesting blog post last year, You’re Missing the Point of Promises.

  .then(function (tweets) {
    var shortUrls = parseTweetsForUrls(tweets);
    var mostRecentShortUrl = shortUrls[0];
    return expandUrlUsingTwitterApi(mostRecentShortUrl);
    function (responseBody) {
      console.log("Most recent link text:", responseBody);
    function (error) {
      console.error("Error with the twitterverse:", error);

If you are familiar with purely callback based JavaScript this is a considerable improvement. This snippet demonstrates how any error in the code or the asynchronous calls may be caught uniformly - much like try/catch except uglier and you will get garbage in your stack trace.

However if you have a yield construct the code collapses into something far more readable - in fact precisely the code you would write if it was synchronous and you can recover sensible stack traces. The equivalent code in core.async:

(go (try
      (let [tweets    (<? (get-tweets-for "swannodette"))
            first-url (<? (expand-url (first (parse-urls tweets))))
            response  (<? (http-get first-url))]
        (. js/console (log "Most recent link text:" response)))
      (catch js/Error e
        (. js/console (error "Error with the twitterverse:" e)))))

<? is just a touch of macro sugar that expands into something like (throw-err (<! [expr])). In core.async <! serves the same purpose as ES6’s yield operator. If an asynchronous process writes an error onto its channel we will convert it into an exception.

Because we can short circuit and throw an exception we will get more sensible stacktraces! In a promise implementation an error will cascade completely mangling the stack trace. Some of the mature promise implementations attempt to recover this information but as we can see here such contorted solutions are unnecessary.

Everything in this post could be accomplished by combining ES6 Generators, a channel implementation, and a little bit of sweet.js. Importantly channels need only focus on flexibility and efficiency - no need to bear the burden of error handling or acrobatics and requisite optional configuration to recover the stack.

While Promises have enamoured some people in the JavaScript community ultimately I believe they are a dead end on the path to simple, readable, robust code in highly asynchronous environments like web browsers.

For details on how you can model CSP with ES6 Generators see my previous post